Whether you're a believer or a non believer
these programs will make you say, hmmm....
There are stories of ghosts dating back to biblical days. Why do we believe them? Could they be real? From history, interviews, research and personal experiences, Al has many "spirited" tales to tell. National surveys indicate that 45% of all Americans believe in ghosts or that the spirits of the dead can come back in certain places and situations. 14% claim to have actually seen one. Our different power point programs are listed below and can be 60 or 90 minutes to suit your needs. Excellent for small groups or conventions.

Time passes, landscapes change, the new replaces the old, but the spirits of the dead remain. Find out about some of Virginia Beach's favorite haunts. The modern beach resort has a remarkable history that goes back centuries and so do the stories of strange and unusual occurrences. There are stories about pirates, witches, millionaires, psychics, heroes and everyday people, all dead and gone (or at least, dead).

Mankind has always believed in some sort of existence after death: a land of the dead, reincarnation, heaven, hell. Is it possible? Is it real? What is a ghost? Why can some people see ghosts and others can’t? So many questions, but so few definite answers. Learn about the beliefs, traditions and the “land of the dead”. Now that you understand the theories it's time to learn how to do a basic ghost investigation. You'll learn about the "tools of the trade" and how to prepare for an investigation.

Haunted Virginia Beach is a perfect companion book; "In a collection of sixteen stories gleaned from newspapers and personal interviews, Chewning sheds an eerie light on the prosperous tourist hot spot that is welcoming by day, otherworldly by night."